Monday, July 21, 2008

Drugs anyone??? Hrmmm....

We were on our way to a friend's house the other day and I heard a funny little quip from the back... Caleb noticed (seemingly for the first time) a "DrugMart" on the corner (like a Walgreens type store) and said...

"That says Drug Mart" he proceeds to give a funny little chuckle (think Bevis & Butthead) and then said "Drugs are bad and that store is a drug mart." Repeat the chuckle...

Hrmmm... not sure about that kid... Actually it was so funny because, of all our kids (I am knocking on wood right now as I type) Caleb is going to be the one that causes us the least amount of grief. He is really good and has his head on straight... it was just funny how it all clicked in his mind.


Chatty Family said...

Just say "no" Caleb! :)

Waters said...

That "laugh" Mike used to do it all the time. ha ha ha.
Is there something we should be concerned about Caleb?

Waters said...

Boy, he sure fooled me! :) So the Sushi is your's and James's idea, GREAT IDEA, I love Sushi, and yes I agree that its a fun thing to do.